Bridgeway Recovery & Addictions Services  

Bridgeway is an intensive treatment program registered with the provincial Assisted Living Registrar and funded by Interior Health. The program is a structured six-week, participant centered program. The program is provided in safe, substance free, live-in environments for individuals age 19 and olderfor whom alcohol or substance misuse is an acknowledged problem. Bridgeway offers the program at two facilities: Gray Road and Ethel Street, Kelowna.

The program at Gray Road is offered eight times throughout the calendar year with scheduled intake and discharge dates for 20 participants of a common gender, i.e., male-identifying or female identifying (participants are encouraged to apply for the group that they identify with the most). Referral sources and applicants are encouraged to check this page for updates regarding upcoming groups, which are determined based on needs and waitlists for services.

The program at Ethel House is offered with a continuous intake model for seven treatment beds and two transition beds. The transition beds may be accessed after treatment for additional services, programming and assistance. Please note, Ethel House is only available for female-identifying participants.


What Is the Service

  • Utilizes a holistic, biopsychosocial-spiritual model to improve all areas of life: physical, social, intellectual, emotional, occupational and spiritual.
  • The program consists of three phases; Discovery (three to five days), Treatment/Therapy (four weeks) and Transition Planning/Relapse Prevention Planning (one week)
  • Provides a safe and therapeutic environment to examine the underlying causes of participants’ substance mis use (e.g., trauma, grief, family of origin issues, etc.) and practice skills to create a healthy way of living.
  • Participants attend a combination of Group Therapy, Individual Counselling, Treatment Planning, Transition Planning, Psychoeducational Workshops and Therapeutic/Wellness Activities.
  • Focuses on the development of coping skills and a positive sense of self, using evidenced based interventions and best practice approaches.
  • Services are based on the principles of motivational enhancement and focus on participant’s strengths while respecting diversity and individuality.


How to Access the Service

Referrals are accepted from a person’s Community Based Substance Use Treatment Team. Individuals on an Opiate Replacement Therapy are accepted. Self-referrals are not accepted. Applicants are to be medically and physically well enough to participate in programming and must not require a medical Withdrawal Management Program.

Upon acceptance into the program, applicants will be provided with an intake date based on availability at Gray Road (male-identifying or female-identifying participants) or Ethel House (female-identifying participants).

  • Download the Bridgeway Application Forms
  • Submit the completed application to Bridgeway:
    • Fax: 236-766-5085
  • For any questions about Bridgeway, please contact:


Kelowna Métis Association is proud to partner with The Bridge Youth & Family Services and offer support for substance use treatment to MNBC Citizens who are KMA members. If you are interested in obtaining funding for treatment, please email for more information.


What to Bring

  • Toiletries; shampoo, soap, toothpaste etc.
  • Running shoes and suitable clothing for recreation/swimming.
    • A gym bag and gym towel is recommended.
  • Face cloth if needed.
  • Appropriate clothing for the season
  • Cell phones, laptops, iPods etc. are acceptable.
  • Refillable water bottle &/or travel mug is useful.
  • Participants may bring a vehicle but should be aware that parking is on street only.
  • New and sealed vape pods and/or bottles.

Do Not Bring

  • Large sums of money
    • Small safes are provided in bedrooms for each participant. Reminder, you are sharing your space so please leave valuables at home
  • Perishable food (dietary restriction food is to be kept in the dining room fridge)
  • Sexual items and material – clothing, toys, pornography, pictures, etc.
  • Bathroom supplies with alcohol content – mouthwash, rubbing alcohol, etc.
  • Scented items – Perfumes, colognes and body sprays
  • Items reflecting, depicting drug/alcohol use logos, pictures, clothing, etc.
  • Used vape juice – pods, liquid bottles, etc.
  • Tools of any type – pocket knives, hammers, screw drivers, etc.
  • More than 1 carry-on size and 2 check-in size pieces of luggage


Bridgeway Gray Rd Intake Dates 2025:

Jan 6 - Feb 14 (Male)
Feb 18 – April 2 (Male)
April 7 - May 16 (Male)
May 20 – June 30 (Male)
July 3 – Aug 14 (Male)
Aug 18 – Sept 26 (Male)
Oct 1 – Nov 7 (Male)
Nov 12 – Dec 23 (Male)




What Happens Next

All participants will participate in a comprehensive assessment that will inform and direct their individualized treatment goals while in program as well as transition planning for their return to the community. Work on the treatment plan and transition plan will begin early and will be a collaborative process between the participant, staff and the appropriate community-based resources. Participants may choose to involve their family or other supports and wheneverpossible, a family session can be held with the participant and family members to review the transition plan prior to discharge. 

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Ethel St. Location


Funding Partners